Healthy cooking videos and tips to help you live your best life

Are you a visual learner? I know I am. For those of you that prefer to watch videos over reading, I invite you to subscribe to my YouTube Channel. That’s where I share healthy cooking videos and tips to help you live your best life. Just click the link to visit me on YouTube and subscribe to my channel. Make sure to like what you like and share your thoughts on my recipes and advice. Your questions, comments
My Book on Fueling Young Athletes
Learn how to put a healthy nutrition plan into practice for your high school athlete.
In Fueling Young Athletes Heather Mangieri — a sports dietitian and mother of three active adolescents — breaks down the nutrition needs of young athletes and explains what the latest research suggests. You’ll analyze current eating habits and preferences and how and where these can be improved. You’ll learn how healthier meals and snacks can equate to improved performance while still being convenient and appetizing.
Fueling Young Athletes addresses the issues that families and athletes most often face, such as late-night practices, inconvenient school lunchtimes, demanding tournament schedules and travel leagues, and lack of sleep. And, you’ll find a collection of easy recipes for smoothies and sports drinks!