These lunch box gadgets are must have items if you live on the go and they make it easy to pack a nutritious lunch for work or school.

It’s back to school time – are you prepared to pack healthy lunches?

When my kids were younger, using cookie cutters to create characters out of their peanut butter and jelly sandwich made me the coolest mom on the planet. Now that they’re older, dinosaur sandwiches don’t make the cut. Instead, they want quick, easy and convenient items that taste good but don’t create attention. I want them to have a nourishing meal that includes a variety of foods.

Coming up with what to pack is hard enough without having to figure out how to pack it.  Just like adults, kids want their soup to remain hot, their salad to remain crisp and their foods to stay put in separate spaces. That’s where these items come in handy. These gadgets are must have items for increasing lunch box variety and keeping foods from pouring into one another.

These Silicon cups are must have lunch box gadgets if you live on the go and they make it easy to pack a nutritious lunch for work or school

Silicone Baking Cups

Perfect to keep foods separated without having to buy a special bento lunch box. Find any square glass container and use these to separate all or some of the food items.

Soup Thermos/Food Jars

Soup Thermos/Food Jars

A soup thermos, also referred to as food jars, is a must have for sending kids to school with a hot lunch. Make a big batch of chili, soup or a stew and you have a healthy, hot lunch for the week.

mini Salad Dressing Containers

Mini Salad Dressing Container

Salads make a great school lunch and are an opportunity to provide a variety of nourishing foods, but transporting the salad dressing can be a challenge. Minimize waste and mess with portable dressing containers.

Wooden skewers

Eating meats, cheeses, fruits and vegetables from a skewer is much more fun than eating it out of a bowl or bag. Wooden skewers can be used to create a salad on a stick, too. Kids get tricked into eating healthy and they don’t even realize it.

Ice packs

Food safety is always a concern when packing meals to go. Be sure to have a variety of ice packs frozen and ready to go no matter what the size of the meal.

Do you have a favorite lunch box gadget? Share it in the comments below. Or, check out my post that shares six lunch box ideas for back-to-school.