If you’re stuggling to find fun with exercise, it’s time to switch up your fitness routine. Try one of these fitness activities to re-ignite your motivation.

I’m often asked, “Are you a runner?” I always get stumped on this question.  Yes, I run, but I never really considered myself a runner.

Over the years, I’ve participated in many different fitness activities. I still incorporate a variety of exercises into my weekly routine. I lift weights, but I don’t consider myself a bodybuilder.  I’ve participated in long endurance cycling events, but I don’t consider myself a cyclist.  I spent 2 years learning mixed martial arts and boxing, but I;m definitely not a kick-boxer.  I try different activities because I like trying new things.  I’m always searching for new not-so-typical workouts to experience. My clients are too, so being familiar with different activities helps me find suggestions for them.

Mixing up your routine and learning new skills helps to make your fitness activities enjoyable, rather than a choir. As you strive to maintain a physically activity lifestyle, it’s important to find workouts that motivates you to move.   Below are a few fun ones to consider.

Mixing up your workout routine, and incorporating fun fitness activities can help you maintain motivation. If you need ideas, try one of these fun ways to reinvent your fitness

Kettlebell Cardio Class

A Kettlebell is a cannonball-shaped iron orb with a single handle that is held, swung or lifted. Those actions happen  it while performing power movements like squats, lunges and deadlifts.  Kettlebell enthusiasts claim they provide one heck of a workout. I have to agree.  In a study, conducted at the University of Wisconsin, researchers evaluated 10 experienced kettlebell trained volunteers. The results showed that during the 20 minute workout, the average calorie burn was 272 calories.  That makes kettlebell cardio workouts ideal for those looking to burn calories and gain strength.

I took my first kettlebell class years ago, and I was immedietely hooked.  The class was organized in group form, but every participant could go at their own pace. I loved it! If you’re new to this fitness activity, make sure to tell an instructor. That way, he or she can keep an eye on you, making sure you use proper form.

Group Boot Camp Fitness Classes

If you sign up for a boot camp class, get ready to get out of bed early. Many classes start early in the morning and go rain or shine.   Boot camps are another form of physical activity that maximizes the calorie burn. It does this by combining cardiovascular exercise, strength training and flexibility all in one class. If you enjoy working out outside, look for classes that offered outdoor classes.

Mixing up your workout routine, and incorporating fun fitness activities can help you maintain motivation. If you need ideas, try one of these fun ways to reinvent your fitness

Aerial Yoga and Ariel Silk Dance

When thinking about arial yoga, picture Cirque du Soleil.  This challenging and dynamic activity is a combination of traditional yoga and aerial arts.  The workout boasts its ability to build both extensive core and upper-body strength. It does this by using the aerial fabric, as a hammock, to support the body. Proponents claim a long list of benefits, but my #1 is that it’s fun!

Mixing up your workout routine, and incorporating fun fitness activities can help you maintain motivation. If you need ideas, try one of these fun ways to reinvent your fitness


Crossfit is one of my personal favorite fitness activities. It’s a total body workout program used by military and police academies to improve strength and conditioning. The WOD (workout of the day) is constantly changing and incorporates functional movements that are executed at high intensities.  If you take a Crossfit class, you might do pull-ups, flip heavy tires, carry sandbags or climb a rope.  The workouts change daily, so your muscles are constantly challenged. That means gains in strength, as well as aerobic and anaerobic conditioning.  If you like thrive on new challenges, this might be the next adventure for you. One warning, though – it’s not for the timid.

Whatever activity you choose, make sure you enjoy it. And, don’t forget to reward youself for your success. Both help to maintain motivation and life-long success.