If you’re struggling to follow through on your New Year’s resolution, you might have set a goal that is too broad or too vague. I’m sharing how to set a specific goal and create a detailed action plan that will help lead you to success.

Reconsider Your New Years Resolution to MOve Toward a Healthy Life

It’s still the first week of the New Year; how are you doing on your resolution?

If you find yourself slipping, you’re not alone. According to a study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology, nearly 40% of people claim to set New Year’s intensions, while only 8 percent of people actually obtain them. The worst part, is that most people admit defeat after only a month.

So, what’s the issue?

It’s usually the resolution itself that is the problem. Check out the list of popular resolutions in the photo above. Did you notice what they have in common? They are all broad, and fail to provide a specific, measurable outcome.  When goals are too broad or vague, they can seem overwhelming and unobtainable, and that often results in giving up.

To be successful, your need a very specific goal, as well as a detailed plan that outlines how you will achieve it.  The more specific you are, the more successful you’ll be. To help you see how you can adjust your healthy living goals, I’m sharing some examples below.

Reconsider Your New Years Resolution to MOve Toward a Healthy Life

How To Set Specific Goals With A Detailed Plan 

Old Resolution New Resolution Action Plan (examples)
Lose weight Lose 5# by March 1st – Keep a journal of everything I eat

– Hire a nutrition coach

– Replace all sugar sweetened beverages with water

Exercise More Run or do the elliptical machine 30 minutes/day 5 days per week – Set alarm 45 minutes earlier and run before work

–  Drive directly to the gym after work M-W-F, then run at home Saturday and Sunday

– Join a running club

Eat Better Eat at least 3 servings of vegetables every single day

– Include tomatoes or greens at breakfast each day

– Buy a vegetable tray and keep it in the refrigerator at all times

– Replace my usual after work snack with a vegetable smoothie

If you are struggling to put your plan into practice, it’s probably because you were not specific enough. Check out my post that details how to reword your unrealistic resolutions into an obtainable goal with a detailed plan. Then, you’ll be on your way to reaching your New Year’s resolution goals.