These crispy roasted potatoes make a great dinner side dish or mix them with your morning eggs for a balanced breakfast.

These crispy roasted potatoes make a great dinner side dish or mix them with your morning eggs for a balanced breakfast.

The poor potato. Somehow, over the years, they’ve made their way to the list of foods to avoid. But, why?

It could be because they are white, and white foods tend to have a bad reputation. Or, maybe they are judged based on where they fall on the glycemic index (though most people don’t eat white potato alone, so the glycemix index doesn’t really matter.)   Whatever your perception, I’m here to share what makes potatoes so good.

What Makes Potatoes Good For You?

Potatoes have a lot of great things going for them. They are packed full of potassium, fiber and vitamin C, and they are versatile. Kids love them, too!  The key to fitting them into your eating plan comes down to two things- portion and preparation! Here’s a deep dive into why potatoes deserve a place on your dinner plate.

Potatoes are Packed with Potassium

Most people are shocked to learn that potatoes top the charts of potassium-rich food. Potassium was identified as a nutrient of concern in our country because few Americans meet the recommended intake of 4700 mg/day. One medium potato, with the skin, provides over 600 mg. That’s over 15% of your needs for the day. Aside from potassium, potatoes also provide a source of vitamin C, B6 and are naturally low in fat, sodium and cholesterol.

Potatoes are Filled with Fiber

Have you looked at the nutrition label of any trendy products lately? If so, there is a good chance you’ve found a product with added fiber.  We know that fiber is heath promoting, but people still fall short of meeting the recommended intake. Food manufacturers have responded by adding fiber into common foods such as energy bars, yogurt, sugary-cereals and even ice cream, but there’s a catch.

Fiber tastes terrible! In order to make the food edible, they have to add ingredients to cover the taste. That’s where sugar-alcohols come into play. Sweet tasting sugar alcohols hide the taste of the fiber, leaving you feeling as if you a healthy fiber-rich food.

That’s all okay, but I can’t help myself from asking, “if you want more fiber, why not just eat a potato?” Potatoes are a natural source of fiber and contribute to your daily intake without the need to cover up the taste.

Potatoes are Delicious and Versatile!

The best reason to eat potatoes, though, is the taste! Potatoes can be consumed baked, roasted mashed, in stews, French fried, in casseroles or soups or as baked chips. There are so many ways to prepare potatoes that you can’t bored. Combine your favorite potato dish with a lean protein, a vegetable, and you have a balanced, fulfilling meal.

How To Make Simply Seasoned Roasted Potatoes

Roasted potatoes are one of my favorites. To make them, start by pre-heating your oven to 425 degrees. These potatoes can be roasted in a baking dish or on a large sheet pan. Sporay the pan with cooking spray, then set aside.

Make sure to rinse and scrub the potatoes before cutting. Just place each potatoes under cool running water and use a potato brush to scrub. Once they are clean, use a sharp knife to dice them into ~1/2 inch pieces.

Place diced potatoes into a large bowl with the diced onions, peppers, corn starch, garlic powder, salt, pepper and olive oil. Using your hands, toss the potatoes and the seasonings until each piece of potato is covered with seasoning.  

Transfer to your baking sheet, then bake in the oven for 25-30 ninutes or until tender and golden brown. The actual cooking time will vary based on the size of your potato pieces.

Calories And Nutrition Facts In Roasted Potatoes

This recipe makes 8 1/2 cup servings. One serving of seasoned roasted potatoes has 120 calories, 21 grams of carbohydrates, 2 grams of fiber, 2 grams of protein, 3.5 grams of total fat, 0.5 grams of saturated fat and 80 milligrams of sodium. Each servings also contains 6% of the daily value for iron, 2% of the daily value for calcium, and 10% pf the daily value for potassium.

This recipe for roasted potatoes is one way to prepare and portion them properly, but there are endless ways to make potatoes. If you love potatoes, you might also like my recipe for flavor filled, low-fat twice baked potatoes or learn how boost the nutrition of your frittata by incorporate this starchy veggie into the mix.

Easy and Healthy Oven Roasted Potatoes
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Simply Seasoned Roasted Potatoes

Author: Heather Mangieri, RDN


  • 2 pounds Raw White Potatoes
  • 6 tbsp Chopped Red Onions
  • 3 tbsp Chopped Green Bell Peppers
  • 2 tbsp Olive Oil
  • 1/4 tsp garlic powder
  • 1 tbsp Corn Starch
  • 1/4 tsp Table Salt
  • 1/4 tsp black pepper


  • Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Spray a large baking sheet with cooking spray, then set aside.
  • Clean potatoes under water. Dice them into ~1/2 inch pieces, then put them in a large bowl.
  • Add the onions, peppers, corn starch, garlic powder, salt, pepper and olive oil, then mix well, making sure that every potato piece has seasoning.
  • Pour into baking dish, spreading evenly.
  • Roast uncovered 25-35 minutes, or until potatoes are tender and golden brown


  • Recipe Makes: 8 Servings                   
  • Serving Size: 1/2 cup cooked potatoes
  • Pairing Recommendation: serve with a 3-4-ounce piece of protein and a non-starchy vegetable or as a side-dish with eggs as a morning meal.
  • Nutrition Facts (per serving): 120 Calories, 21 g Carbohydrates, 2 g Fiber, 2 g Protein, 3.5 g Total Fat, 0.5 g Saturated Fat, 80 mg Sodium, 6% daily iron, 2% daily calcium, 10% daily potassium.
  • Meal Planning Servings: 1.5 CHO; 0 PRO; 0.5 FAT

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